Follow the link below to get the latest on the Truckee Meadows Land Bill: https://www.landsbill.org/#page-top
Mission Statement
To provide an environment for members and any other persons interested to interact and to increase public awareness by providing education on ecologically sound methods of prospecting, small-scale mining and treasure hunting for adults, families and their children. This includes locating, identifying and legal removal of minerals, caches and treasures while conserving the environment and natural habitat. This shall be accomplished through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on training at meetings, outings and any other settings deemed appropriate by the corporation's Board of Directors and at no cost to the participants.

GPAA of Northern Nevada Reno is setup as an Educational Non Profit Group. We are a Non-Profit Corporation Nevada Business ID# NV20111658489
IRS 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) EIN# 45-3576691 - Public Charity

We accept donated gold claims and equipment in good working order. See below for information on how you can donate:
To donate a Gold Claim:
In California, contact Mike at (830) 456-7927
In Nevada, contact Jim at (775) 527-9335
To donate gold recovery equipment:
In Nevada, contact Jim at (775) 527-9335
In California, contact Mike at (830) 456-7927
All donations are tax deductible.
Get in touch with us!
GPAA of Northern Nevada Reno Inc. P.O. Box 3373 Sparks, Nevada 89432-9000